Master program in Nutrition and Cosmesis
Director, Professor Eleonora Candi

The master program in Nutrition and Cosmetics, is designed to prepare post-graduate students with an integrated competence between knowledge on the skin district and nutrition. Emphasis is in offering a deep training in prevention linked to health conditions (including cancer) as well as to counteract human ageing and promote well-being, with particular attention to the evolving European indications. The training is performed in the department of Experimental Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) and in department of Biology (Faculty of Science). In addition, we offer short practical experiences in external affiliated companies (IDI-Farmaceutici, ItalDevise, Antica Erboristeria, AngelConsulting, CREA). The topics proposed are interdisciplinary, with a concentration in one or more of the following areas: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Pharmacology, Botany, Chemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Dermatology, Nutrition, Legal aspects. Relevant questions in the field of Cosmetics and Nutrition, including prevention, are addressed using different approaches from academic teachers and well as professionals of cosmesis and nutrition fields.
The aim of the master in “Nutrition and Cosmesis” is to train a professional figure with an integrated competence between knowledge on the skin district (ie. skin, skin appendages and visible mucous membranes), on cosmetic products and on optimal nutrition (aimed at optimizing the state of health or to prevent feeding-related skin diseases, as well as disease including cancer). The training course will allow doctors, chemists, pharmacists, biologists, nurses to carry out their respective roles in the cosmetology/nutrition sector with greater professionalism and competence. The topics will provide complete information about: (i) the physio-pathological aspects of the skin, the biochemical mechanisms that support them and the formulation and functional aspects of the different categories of cosmetic products; (ii) the methods for in vivo and in vitro evaluation of the efficacy and toxicity of the products cosmetics also in relation to European legislative standards; (iii) the functional foods and nutraceuticals present in them; (iv) the supplements; (v) the regulatory aspects regarding health claims and the marketing of functional foods and supplements, with particular reference to the European situation in evolution; (vi) the role of nutrition in cancer prevention. The cultural experience gained during the students will lead to the formation of a professional figure particularly suitable for insertion in cosmetic manufacturing companies, dermatological cosmetic centers, pharmacies, centers, companies specialized in safety and efficacy tests of finished products.

The duration of the Master is 1 academic year necessary for the acquisition of the expected 60 credits equal to 1500 hours of which 390 hours, lectures, seminars and practical placements.
The students will be evaluated by in itinere examinations. Thy also will have a final discussion presenting an oral examination by a specific designed committee.
The CORE FACULTY of the master degree includes professors CANDI Eleonora, AGOSTINI Massimiliano, TERRINONI Alessandro, CATANI Maria Valeria, BOTTINI Massimo, SAVINI Isabella, GASPERI Valeria, PIRO Maria Cristina, LENA AnnaMaria, BONGIORNO-BORBONE Lucilla, CAMPAGNOLO Luisa, BEI Roberto, PICA Francesca, MACCHI Beatrice, LEONARDI Donatella, CAMPIONE Elena, GALLUZZO Marco, SPALLONE Giulia, TALAMONTI Marina. In addition there are EXTERNAL MEMBERS of the University, professionals in the cosmetic and nutrition fileds: ZANOTTI-RUSSO Matteo (Angels Consulting, Genova), PERATA Elisabetta (Angels Consulting, Genova), RUGGERI Stefania (CREA, Roma), CODUTI Cinzia (Coldiretti, Roma), AVITABILE Daniele (IDI Farmaceutici, Pomezia), ODORISIO Teresa (IDI-IRCCS, Roma), FILOSA Rosanna (Consorzio SANNIO TECH, BENEVENTO), TIBERI Licia (ItalDevice, Pomezia).