Alessandro Mauriello is Principal Investigator for the Histopathology of the atherosclerotic plaque and of the carcinogenic processes

Alessandro Mauriello, MD, is Full Professor of Anatomical & Histological Pathology, at the University of Rome-Tor Vergata.
His scientific activity (H-index 33; Citations 4009) focuses on (a) pathophysiology of the vascular system with particular interest in the role of inflammation, immunity and risk factors on rupture and thrombosis of the atherosclerotic plaque and on (b) tumor pathology, with particular interest on in situ identification of new diagnostic and prognostic bio-markers .
Representative Publications
Spagnoli LG, Mauriello A, et al. Extracranial thrombotically active carotid plaque as a risk factor for ischemic stroke. JAMA 2004; 292(15):1845-1852
Mauriello A, et al.. Diffuse and active inflammation occurs in both vulnerable and stable plaques of the entire coronary tree: a histopathologic study of patients dying of acute myocardial infarction.
J Am Coll Cardiol 2005; 45(10):1585-1593.
Mauriello A, et al. Increased Sympathetic Renal Innervation in Hemodialysis Patients Is the Anatomical Substrate of Sympathetic Hyperactivity in End-Stage Renal Disease. J Am Heart Assoc 2015; 4(12).
Urbano N., et al. 18 F-Choline PET/CT Identifies High-Grade Prostate Cancer Lesions Expressing Bone Biomarkers. J Clin Med. 2019: 8 (10)
Smirnov A, et al . ZNF185 Is a p63 Target Gene Critical for Epidermal Differentiation and Squamous Cell Carcinoma Development. Oncogene. 2019;38(10):1625-1638.